Virginia Timber Prices
PRODUCT | DEC 2021 |
Pine Pulpwood | $10.25 |
Pine Sawtimber | $24.00 |
Pine CNS | $24.00 |
Hardwood Pulpwood | $25.00 |
Hardwood Sawtimber | $25.00 |
We’ve updated current timber prices in Virginia as we head into 2022.
As always, if you’re interested in selling your timber or using a consulting forester to handle the sale and marketing of your timber for you, please visit our homepage and click the “Sell My Timber!” button.
The prices listed is per what? Tree, ton, board ft. Or what?
Underneath the top table we have this description: *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. Prices are based on an average calculated from a sample of timber buyers across the U.S., and only intended to provide an estimate of trends and current prices. Actual prices may vary.”
The right column on the the bottom table shows MBF which is thousand board feet.
So, the top table is tons and the bottom table is MBF or thousand board feet.